VAST Data Platform – a breakthrough approach to data-Intensive computing that serves as the comprehensive software Infrastructure required to capture , catalog, refine, enrich, and preserve data through real-time deep data and analysis and deep learning.
High Performance Clients – NFS, SMB, S3, GPUDirect, K8S CSI
Disaggregated Storage Containers – Linearly Scale Up to 10,000 x86 machines
Scale to Excabyte of Low-Cost Flash – Shared NVMe Accessible by Every Container
Vast Data Platform Is not just about storage; It Is about Intelligent storage. As unstructured data Is Ingested using any of the supported Industry-standard protocols, a contextual layer Is automatically added, bringing structure and meaning to data.
Ability to Ingest millions of transactional row-based data per second and then run queries using granular columnar formats enables customers to amplify query speeds over 20x.
One global namespace contains all your data, whether on-premises or In the cloud. Eliminates data silos and streamlines data management.
Ability to seamlessly Integrate with and meet the performance of AI workloads.